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Pups Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is a time to come together with loved ones, express gratitude, and enjoy delicious food. As a puppy parent, there's no reason your furry friend should be left out of the festivities. In fact, including your puppy in your Thanksgiving celebrations can make the day even more special! So, let's explore some paw-some ideas to ensure your Thanksgiving is full of fun and plenty of tail wags.

Keeping Your Pup Happy and Active This Fall

As the sunshine fades and the air gets crisper, it might just be the perfect time to welcome a furry friend into your life! We all know our energetic little pals need special care, especially when the weather starts cooling down. That's why we've got all the tips you need to make sure your new buddy stays happy and healthy during this beautiful autumn season.

Halloween Howler

As the autumn air turns crisp and leaves paint the ground in vibrant hues, it's time to get ready for the spooky paws and wagging tails of Halloween. While you’re busy getting into the haunting spirit of the season, don’t forget about your Halloween Howler. Some dogs enjoy the attention and extra treats that come their way during this holiday, while others find the costumes, guests knocking on the door, and decorations confusing or stressful.

5 Fall Activities For Your Pup

There’s a chill in the air and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes are flowing; fall has arrived! This season brings cooler temperatures, vibrant colors, and new adventures for you and your furry friend. From hiking trails to apple orchards, there are lots of fun ways to enjoy the season!